
I’m Kristi and I’m the owner and creator of Studio Iris. Here you can read about all of my current offerings. Scroll down to the very end to discover what truly speaks to you. 

My intention is always to provide a compassionate and non-judgmental space to foster personal transformation. My approach is anchored in the profound understanding that our physical well-being is deeply intertwined with our emotional, mental and spiritual energies. This forms the essence of all my work and creates a truly holistic experience that radiates through every session with every body.

I bring a diverse array of specialties, weaving together various massage and energy techniques, dearmouring, energetic bodywork, kundalini energy activation, holistic life coaching and shadow work. Don’t worry if these terms sound unfamiliar — I make it a priority to explain everything in a way that’s clear and accessible to you.

The Power of Simplicity

These offerings are for you if you are looking for a massage or reiki healing session. They will be tailored specifically to you and guided by intuitive touch. Sometimes we just need to slow down, tune inwards and find deep rest. You will be held in a safe nurturing space and guided into a meditative state. Ideal to have the rest of the day off to integrate the stillness.

  • Holistic Massage: 60 / 90 / 120 minutes £65 / £90 / £110

    Holistic massage is a transformative journey, where the art of physical tension and release takes center stage, alongside with a flowing and connected massage style and an invitation to find deep and meditative re-connection to your breath. Together, we'll explore the spectrum of pressure, ranging from light to deep, adapting to what your body truly craves. Whether you prefer a comprehensive full-body treatment or desire focused attention on specific areas seeking relief, the choice is yours to make. Throughout the massage, we may uncover hidden areas where tension has quietly accumulated, yet to reveal itself. This intuitive approach allows us to address not only the apparent sources of discomfort but also those subtle tensions that may be awaiting acknowledgment.

  • Holistic Massage PLUS (cupping, stretch or reiki): 90 / 120 minutes £90 / £110

    This session includes 60 minutes of holistic massage (read above) and either 30 or 60 minute treatment of cupping, assisted stretching or reiki. All of these options make a delightful addition to massage. Cupping is particularly great for back, shoulders and thighs - it packs a deep tension release, a detox effect on a cellular level and restores the flow of chi. Assisted stretches will help with aches and pains of working out, as well as from sedentary lifestyle. Reiki healing brings you into a deep nurturing stillness, which powerfully realigns you on a deeper level.

  • Hot (&cold) Stone Massage: 75 / 120 minutes £90 / £125

    Experience this luxurious massage treatment with deep, penetrating heat of smooth basalt stones. The stones are charged with reiki prior to your treatment, spreading deeply healing benefits with each stroke. During the session, we use stones of different size to directly massage the body. There is an option to include the invigorating chill of cold marble stones, creating a unique sensory journey of contrasting temperatures. The warmth makes its way deep into the fibres of tight muscles, loosening and allowing for more effective massage. In contrast, the chilled stones are used to stimulate the nervous system, reduce inflammation and invigorate the senses. Alternating temperatures create a powerful synergy (much like a sauna and cold plunge), promoting detoxification and vibrant flow of energy throughout the body, leaving you feeling refreshed and revitalised.

  • Assisted Stretching: 60 minutes £65

    During this session I work with you to perform a series of dynamic assisted stretches, targeting key muscle groups and joints. By actively guiding and assisting your movements, we ensure each stretch is performed safely and effectively, maximizing the benefits. This interactive process not only improves flexibility but also enhances circulation, promotes relaxation, and reduces stress. Stretch therapy helps to release tight muscles, improve posture, and increase overall body awareness. It's incredibly useful for anyone who spends long hours behind a computer, as well as those of us who work out, but rarely remember to stretch 🙂

  • Reiki: 60 / 90 / 120 minutes £65 / £90 / £110

    Reiki is an energy healing and transfer technique. It's gentle and non-invasive, but can bring about profound change. During this session, you will lie in a comfortable meditative state, while I move my hands over various parts of the body to channel energy. This can involve light touch or hands hovering just slightly above your physical body. The energy transfer aims to unblock and balance your body’s energy pathways, fostering physical, emotional, and spiritual healing. Reiki is known to alleviate pain, reduce anxiety, and boost overall vitality - it is now integrated into hundreds of hospitals within and outside the UK, so come along and experience it for yourself.

Take a Step Deeper

The following offerings are for you if you are looking for deeper and more meaningful sessions. Every body tells a different story. Every body has repressed emotions, patterns of stagnation and stuckness, wounding from the past. During these sessions you will be held in non-judgmental safety, where you can explore, process and release the armour that is no longer needed. Post session support and guidance is included. Working with your inner depth is a continuous (and perhaps a lifelong) process with many rewards along the way. Some of these prices are shown as a range to accommodate people with lower earnings, as well as add optional extras (get in touch, tell your story and I can suggest what may work best for you).

  • Kundalini Massage : 120 minutes £150 - £222

    This session is a seamless blend of working with the energetic and physical bodies, with an intention to gradually, slowly and safely invite the Kundalini to awaken. We open with guided breathwork to prepare the body and for the rest of the session you are invited to enter a timeless space of inner connection, tuning deep within in profound surrender. It is a meditative and transcendent massage experience with slow flow light touch work focusing on pressure points, spinal flow and main energy centers. During the session, you will also experience Kundalini activation energywork and will be guided through visualisations and breath. I use essential oils to further enhance the relaxation, stimulate the chakras and promote a harmonious flow of energy. With intuitive touch, energy work, and breathwork, clients experience profound tension release, emotional healing, and a heightened sense of connection and inner peace. Ideal for those seeking spiritual growth and a deeper connection with their inner self, this massage integrates physical and energetic healing.

  • Kundalini Bodywork : 120 minutes £150 - £222

    Kundalini bodywork is a deeply transformative session designed to release trauma, emotional heaviness, and energetic blockages, creating space for the Kundalini energy to rise. Conducted fully clothed, this session focuses on dearmouring—releasing the body's protective layers formed from past wounds—along with emotional and trauma release, helping to open the body to higher vibrational energy. We begin with exercises to prepare both your physical and energetic bodies, tuning into your intentions and energy. You will learn and practice dearmouring breathwork, a key component in releasing deeply held tension. Next, we identify and work through areas of density and stagnation in the body, clearing blockages through gentle yet focused bodywork. You are invited to fully feel and embody any emotions that arise, while being guided through their release using breath, sound, and movement. The primary aim of this session is to free trapped energy and raise the body’s vibration. Once enough of the body’s density has been cleared, we will continue working on the subtle energetic level, helping to activate a more harmonious flow of Kundalini energy.

  • Womb & Abdominal Bodywork: 120 minutes £150 - £222

    In this powerful 2 hour session we focus on "decluttering" the lower 3 energy centers: re-establishing the connection with your root chakra (the foundation to stand strong within yourself), sacral chakra (to create connection from a space of internal balance) and solar plexus chakra (to assert yourself in the world as your own unique Self). During the session you will experience guided breathwork and movement, energetic bodywork to activate the flow of chi, dearmouring and emotional release focusing on womb and abdomen in somatic experiencing, releasing hidden emotions in deeper inner awareness and Chi-Nei-Tsang style abdominal massage. This session is recommended to anyone feeling stuckness, heaviness, discomfort or a degree of disconnection from the body (these can be physical, emotional, energetic or maybe just a gut feeling). Depending on your situation, I usually recommend a course of treatments - get in touch to discuss 🙂

  • Kundalini Energy: Activation & Connection : 120 minutes £150 - £222

    In this transformative session, we begin with guided breathwork, helping you to tune inward and connect with your energetic body. As you focus on your inner world, we'll open up your energetic pathways using a combination of pressure points and bodywork techniques. This allows us to activate and balance the main energy centers, clearing any blockages that may be restricting your natural flow. Once the energy pathways are open and flowing, we move into a powerful Kundalini transmission. This process invites the awakening of your Kundalini energy—a potent force of purification that gently burns away anything no longer aligned with your highest self. As this energy works within you, it facilitates profound clarity and inner transformation, which you may continue to feel in the days following the session. To close, we ground the experience with a final transmission, ensuring a deep sense of safety and stability, leaving you with a strong foundation to integrate the shifts in your energy field.

  • Holistic Life Coaching and Bodywork : 120 minutes x 3 £399

    This is a package of 3 x 2-hour sessions blending one hour of holistic coaching with one hour of personalized bodywork, offering a unique combination of inner exploration and physical healing. The coaching portion is designed to help you understand your triggers on a deeper level, uncover the lessons behind them, and break free from repeating patterns that may be holding you back. Together, we will use techniques such as chakra psychology, shadow work, polarity work, and deep self-inquiry to promote lasting transformation—not just during our session, but in practical ways that impact your daily life. The second half of the session includes a bodywork treatment of your choice, ranging from massage to energy work or deeper healing practices. Based on what arises during our coaching conversation, I will intuitively tailor the bodywork to best support your journey. Whether you're seeking emotional clarity or physical relief, this session creates an integrated path toward greater balance and well-being.

Ready for a Deep Dive?​

  • Kundalini Bodywork/Massage/Activation; complete with guided chakra psychology analysis, shadow work, polarity work and ongoing support: 4 hours £333

    In these extra long sessions, our focus is for me to teach you how to heal yourself. I will be the guide in your own healing journey, letting you meet your concealed pain and trauma in a safe space. Remember, you are your own medicine and nobody external can heal your pain for you. What we can do, is learn tools and techniques to support us in self-practice and lean on guides for support. These sessions will guide you to meet your patterns/trauma and release physical/mental/emotional/energetic blockages that disconnect you from your TRUE Self. My aim here is for you to connect to your essence, so that you can fully accept and express your Self in the world and consciously create the life you wish to lead! If you feel called to experience this work and transform the parts that prevent you from fully living your potential - get in touch to arrange an intro call.

Ask a question

If you are undecided on what treatment best suits you at this moment, please get in touch and I’ll tune into guidance.